Tired Achy Feet Rejoice!

Yesterday we went to visit my father to celebrate Father’s Day. Usually I keep my feet elevated but they were in a dependent position most of the afternoon and evening so my piggies were feeling swollen and uncomfortable. But I just took a shower instead of soaking my feet. Tonight I ate some relatively salty fried chicken from the deli in our grocery store. My feet swelled and began protesting. However, as my furbabies and I walked around half our block I became lost in the sights of stars peaking out from the clouds scudding across the sky, the rich aroma of the pines on a hot summer night along with a few adventurous toads singing to attract a mate. And in the distance the low growling sounds of thunder over Lake Michigan.

Thunder over the open water has a special echoey growls. It is a warning promise that the storm will soon come ashore, but tonight it keeps breaking up when it hits the shore. So before the storms gained enough power to come on shore and actually rain, the dogs and I had our big adventure for the day and went for a walk. We have been cooped up in the house due to the heat. This crone doesn’t do well in the sun due to Lupus, but I can go for walks at night. I felt much better all around having a bit of outdoor adventure and decided to treat myself to a detoxifying foot soak with epsom salt and three drops of eucalyptus essential oil in warm water when we got back home.

I must admit I never thought a foot soak could feel so good but it certainly helps me feel better. It is relaxing, the gentle pressure from the water helps work swelling out of your feet and ankles and you just feel better. It is so soothing that about 50% of the time I just doze off for awhile.

Give it a try! Your little piggies will thank you for taking such good care of them – of yourself. You will be glad that you did!

Love and light to everyone. I hope to hear from you soon!

One thought on “Tired Achy Feet Rejoice!”

  1. I loved this post. It swept me along on the walk and all the way back to the warm foot soak. Thank you, sweet Crone.


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